Spy x Family is currently one of the most popular anime and manga series in the world, especially in Japan, its home country. The story follows Agent Twilight, a spy tasked with a secret mission to keep the peace between two enemy countries. For the sake of Operation Strix, he creates a make-believe family with Yor and Anya Forger, an assassin and an esper, respectively. The slice-of-life series focuses on the family’s hijinks to hide their true identities from the world — and one another — while delighting audiences with the occasional action scene.
Recommended VideosThe manga started publication in 2019 and since then, a total of 10 volumes have been released. In April 2022, Spy x Family premiered on TV as an anime series, which gathered a legion of new fans. Currently, the story is organized into 13 story arcs, but it’s worth keeping in mind that these arcs don’t have official names as of yet; these are fan-made and can therefore be subject to change. Furthermore, the series is ongoing, meaning that new arcs are yet to come.
Spy x Family is available for streaming on Crunchyroll, and its manga can be read on MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA.